In the electric skateboard industry there are three primary trains of thought regarding the implementation of visual media. Some companies such as Boosted Boards use a high quantity of paid promotions in addition to their organic visual media marketing campaigns on platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. While other companies, such as Enertion, mainly promote their boards on specialized electric skateboarding forums with a smaller financial and time investment devoted to their social media networks. The third way companies in the electric skateboard industry implement visual media is almost solely through organic reach on platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, as is the case with Evolve Skateboards. Most electric skateboard companies use a combination of paid and organic social media campaigns to promote their visual media, the general trend that exists across all successful electric skateboard brands is the heavy implementation of video content.
While many of the high-end electric skateboarding companies such as Boosted, Evolve, and Enertion, use some charts and infographics on their websites to explain certain capacities of their products, this content usually stays on their website alone. But at least these companies use infographics and charts, as most electric skateboard companies such as Meepo, FaBoard, and OWNBOARD do not. Electric skateboard companies, for the most part, produce as much video content as possible with an emphasis on inspiring awe. This awe drives sales and is effective at leaving a lasting thought in a consumer's mind, but these videos are not often shared as they don't generally contain much meaningful content. That's why with my brand I would like to include more meaningful video content that speaks not only about the "cool factor" of the boards, but also their positive environmental and social impact, which I will share through video, photos, articles, charts, infographics, and possibly quizzes.
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